
A trusted partner

Industries and communities rely on critical assets every day. For industries, this can span everything from major plant to facilities and operations to fundamentals such as water and power supply.

For communities, this includes the key services needed to support daily life, health and wellbeing, such as water, power, transport and social infrastructure. This includes renewable energy solutions for superior environmental value and efficiency. We give assets a performance advantage and provide better end-user experiences.

Our teams start with the end in mind, connecting clients with advanced expertise across a project’s lifecycle, including design, construction, manufacturing, upgrades and overhauls, asset management and maintenance. For example, on Melbourne Water’s Western Treatment Plant Stage 2, CPB Contractors and UGL are integrating world-class design and construct and expert operations and maintenance capabilities for advanced environmental outcomes.

Our societies live and grow amid a network of infrastructure that keeps us moving, productive, safe, inspired and enabled.

From cutting-edge transport systems to state-of-the-art buildings to industrial operations, the competitive advantage of companies, communities and countries is shaped by their capacity, capability and connectedness. We create infrastructure with future generations in mind.

We place stakeholder needs at the heart of design, construction and commissioning works, and deliver with an operations and maintenance mindset that considers the long-term. For example, on Transport for NSW’s Sydney Metro Northwest Operations, Trains and Systems PPP, CPB Contractors, UGL, Pacific Partnerships and EIC Activities combined their strengths to deliver Australia’s first driverless metro-style rail line through to ongoing operations.

Daily life is powered by the resources sector. It is critical to development and progress. We are committed to supporting Australia’s energy transition, with a focus on large-scale renewable generation assets and the infrastructure required to support it, including storage and transmission assets.

Changes facing the industry include the introduction of advanced technologies such as automation, and advances in environmental sustainability. We unlock resources for maximum productivity and output and work with clients, suppliers and industry to help enable the global energy transition.

Our clients leverage our decades of experience and learnings to fast-track success, across feasibility, planning, operations and maintenance, processing, rehabilitation and decommissioning. For example, on Jellinbah Group’s Lake Vermont, Thiess and Sedgman offer total mining solutions via a world-class operation and state-of-the-art coal handling and preparation plants – building on a long-standing relationship to create new value. 

In renewables, our 911±¬ÁÏÍø company Pacific Partnerships has acquired the development rights for Glenrowan Solar Farm, the first large-scale solar farm to be owned and developed by 911±¬ÁÏÍø as principal. We have a strong history of delivering leading-edge renewable energy projects, such as wind and solar, through CPB Contractors and UGL.